Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why I Love Winter; Or, a Love Letter to Canada

"Is he having an identity crisis? Didn't he just write a blog post called 'Why I Hate Winter'?"

It reminds me of when Leonard Nimoy released his second autobiography, "I Am Spock." Twenty years earlier, his original book ("I Am Not Spock") came out to fan outrage because people felt as if Nimoy was somehow turning his back on the character he played on the popular television show Star Trek. This was in fact not the case at all, but to set things right, he deliberately chose a contradictory name for his second autobiography to rectify the misconception.

Now, do I hate winter? No. As a child, I loved all the pleasures that are associated with it: tobogganing, building snowmen, snowball fights, etc. Naturally, as we age, these activities become outdated, but there are still things I enjoy about the season. Things like snow days. Things like candy cane hot chocolate at Tim Horton's. Things like watching the snow collect outside from inside a warm house. Most of all though, I think I enjoy the association that snow has with Canada.

Growing up, I never really had much pride in Canada. Not that I wasn't happy to live here; it seemed nice enough. But now as an adult, I can truly appreciate what makes the country great. There are economic and social policies that I feel are best in class, but beyond that, I really appreciate the cultural touchstones that make Canada what it is.

The other night, a couple friends and I braved the cold to catch a band play a show at local bar/musical venue, Call the Office. The night was quite Canadian, all things considered. As we stood there drinking our Labatt 50s, the band (Toronto-based Zeus) praised CBC Radio for giving them so much airplay lately. Before the show started, one of the band members tuned his guitar while still wearing his tuque and parka from outside.

This summer, I took in a movie called Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, based on a series of comic books by Canadian author Bryan Lee O'Malley. That movie is filled to the brim with Canadiana. The story takes place in Toronto, and with every shot of a recognizable locale, the theatre erupted in cheers. Characters go to Pizza Pizza and Tim Horton's, and the ever-recognizable beep of a Blackberry receiving a text message permeated the film throughout.

Not that we always get it right. I think it was at that same theatre outing that I caught the trailer for Score: A Hockey Musical. The trailer is an abomination, and the audience was literally on multiple occasions left groaning. It was unlike anything I've ever experienced actually. Click here to witness the monstrosity yourself.

So what am I saying here? Snow is Canada, yet Canada is so much more than snow. We produce some of the smartest minds in the world, we have a great music scene, we're hilarious, we're known as being kind, and our country is clean. Can't ask for much more than that.

1 comment:

  1. John snowball fights are still awesome, especially when they occur randomly. Also, "we're known as being kind", priceless!
