Friday, February 11, 2011

The Coming Appocalypse

It's a dreary day outside, but I'm enjoying my Friday nonetheless. It's been a productive day so far, and I'm currently taking a break to sip some coffee and see what the new records of the week are. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my iPod light up; it is the siren song of someone playing a word in Words With Friends, one of my favourite little time wasters. I got the iPod free when I bought my MacBook last summer, and it's been a great device. Super sleek and trim, it slips into a pocket with ease, and provides musical accompaniment wherever I go. The functionality doesn't stop there though; ever since I got it, the various apps have hooked me. Sure the App Store is full of a lot of junk, but there are also a lot of quality programs on there-- and a lot of the time, they are free. Let's take a look at some of my favourites!